Monday, January 7, 2008

Braided Brioche

DH and I decided to observe the Mexican tradition of making a Rosca de Reyes on January 6. It was actually a great excuse to try making a braided bread. We used the recipe for Poor Man's Brioche in Peter Reinhart's Bread Baker's Apprentice, and formed the bread as if it were a Rosca. In hindsight, I suppose we should have adorned it with fruit. But honestly, the dough smelled so wonderful, we were too eager to bake and eat it!

It turned out quite lovely, if I do say so myself.

Considering we used the recipe with the least amount of butter, we weren't expecting the flavor or color to be strong. But, wow, the bread has an incredible yellow color and a rich buttery flavor nonetheless. The color is most likely thanks to the farm fresh eggs we get each week from the CSA farm.

I am continually amazed with bread, how such simple ingredients can taste so differently from one bread recipe to another.
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1 comment:

  1. Truly Lovely! It is beautiful!!
    Feliz Dia de Reis!! (this is how we say it in Portuguese!)
