Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Whole Wheat Bread

I haven't posted anything in weeks and people are wondering what happened to me! I am fine! I have been enjoying cooking the recipes I have already posted. So I haven't had any new recipes to share. I wish I could say I had a new recipe to share now, but at the very least I can share these photos and some experiences I have had with making bread.

We have purchased a few bread baking books recently and have been absorbed in studying them. Pedro is especially taken with the process of making bread. Above is the first loaf we have attempted from the recently published book, Peter Reinhart's Whole Grain Breads: New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor. The loaf tasted very satisfying. It involved a rather lengthy process. We had to first make a wild yeast starter which took five or six days to develop. But now that it is developed, we have what is called a mother starter which we can keep and feed and use over and over whenever we want to make bread. Pictured below is our whole grain mother starter:

Anyway, we have been learning a lot about the art of bread making and are really enjoying it. We have a lot more to learn and a lot more experimenting to do. We will even be taking some bread baking classes in the near future.


  1. I have tried making Buckwheat/Teff tortillas lately, and pancakes from Buckwheat/Teff or Oats/Rice. The Tortillas did not work at all, but the same grain mix in pancakes is wonderful. I call them "brown pancakes."

    Now if I can only figure out light-colored pancakes. Much harder. Oat flour is like lead and wheat/corn/potato is out. One try at a time...

  2. OMG, Reinhart has a new book?! Awesome... I have his "The Bread Baker's Apprentice" which is all you might want to know about the science of bread, and some fantastic recipes. (I actually just made whole grain wheat/rye baguettes yesterday, thanking someone for cat sitting, from his white pain de campagne recipe.)

    Off to the bookstore! :-D

    PS ColorJoyLynnH - are you able to use barley flour at all? You might try mixing that in with the oats - I know it makes a really soft crumbly scone (although that is mixed with wheat). Perhaps also quinoa flour would help.

  3. Hi!

    Amy: I have that other book too, bought it at the same time as the newest. Glad to hear you have had such success with it. Pedro's been studying that book while I have been studying the newest book. We'll switch off eventually!

    Lynn: have you tried using the oats in whole form instead of in flour form? Soak for ten minutes in water or soy milk or milk before adding them to the batter. I have found that soaked oats work nicely with a combo of spelt and barley flour and will produce a lighter colored pancake with a nice chewy texture. If you use some quinoa flour, I have had best luck if I don't use more than 1/4 cup. Although in theory you are supposed to be able to use up to 50% quinoa flour. It will add a nice crunchiness and of course great protein.

  4. Kathleen - I went out and bought the new one yesterday - it looks awesome. I like the breads I've made from his earlier book, even with my whole grain adaptations, but I hope with this new book, I'll be able to get whole grain breads that even my FIL will eat (a diehard white bread dude).
