Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Plum Torte

On Monday I met the CSA farm van that delivers to my area. I never know what they will have for sale. This week, I was able to get multi grain bread, goat milk, goat cheese, feta and a bag of various organically grown fruit. Within my bag of fruit were about 10 plums, something I don't normally buy. Pedro likes them, so he will sometimes buy them. But I always just walk past them. They are not my favorite.

Fearing the plums wouldn't all get eaten while they are perfectly ripe, I decided to find a way to use them in a baked good. I looked around various websites for recipes, and Orangette had a link to the recipe that finally inspired me. It was a very easy and fast recipe and had the added benefit of using six of my ripe plums. I figured that if I didn't enjoy this plum torte, I would freeze it into individual pieces for Pedro to enjoy as snacks. But, I think this recipe may just have converted me to seeing the merits of plums! The minute I put it into the oven, the house filled with such a heavenly aroma. I'm having a very hard time resisting the urge to cut a piece and give it a try. But, I shall wait until after dinner.

Update: Wow! I actually like cooked plums! The torte turned out fantastic! It is moist and flavorful, and it was great with coffee. No slices will make it to the freezer!


  1. So???? How was it? (I'm drooling just looking at the photo.)

  2. Yummm! It was soooo good! We had it again with our coffee at breakfast!

    I saw on the Orangette site that an alternate recipe uses apricots instead of plums, and uses 1/3 cup of ground blanched almonds in place of 1/3 cup of the flour. I think that sounds wonderful too!
