Monday, May 21, 2007

Anasazi Bean Cassoulita

I found this recipe on a few sites when looking for anasazi bean recipes. It is called Cassoulita with Pasilla Braising Sauce. The recipe is rather lengthy, both in the number of ingredients and the amount of time it takes to prepare. But it was worth it! Absolutely delicious.
I was supposed to top the entire dish with cheese before baking it, but I only put cheese in the middle, for fear it would get too greasy. But the cheese got so nice and crusty, that I suppose it would have been OK to follow the recipe. Also, the recipe called for the vegetables to be minced, but I cut them in chunks to give them more focus. I also added zucchini along with the other vegetables.

I ate my cassoulita with sliced avocado and my leftover polenta. But, I think the beans would be even better eaten as tacos. So tomorrow I will make tacos using fresh corn tortillas, the bean mixture, and avocado slices with lime juice and chopped cilantro. The recipe called for serving it with sour cream, but I didn't think it was needed.

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