Thursday, April 5, 2007

Cocoa Pancakes

I am on the email list for the Recipe of the Week from the Vegetarian Times website. Anyone can subscribe to the free weekly newsletter with recipes. These pancakes were one of this week's features and you can see the recipe here. It first appeared in the May 2005 issue. We made it last night as a dessert, and that was a good call. I'm not sure that this is really breakfast food. We have made many decadent pancakes in our days, but this in our minds crosses over from being pancake to being more of a cake. The recipe calls for chocolate soy milk, something we never buy. So, we used regular soy milk, and they were still totally sinful. So, using the chocolate soy is not necessary, especially if you use real chocolate chips instead of carob. If you are eating these as dessert, why not also try white chocolate chips or peanut butter chips instead of the carob. That would be good too. Vegan using the original recipe.
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