Saturday, March 31, 2007

Washing Fruits and Vegetables

I looked for guidance on the websites of a few governmental and agricultural extension offices, and they say that washing fruits and vegetables with cold potable water is sufficient, srubbing with a vegetable brush if appropriate. I am guessing that is how most people wash their produce. Where I live, at the natural foods store, they sell special soaps or disinfectants for produce. They aren't available at the big grocery stores. My sink (pictured) has two soap dispensers built into it. In one of them I put my dish soap and in the other I put produce soap. Next to the sink in the ceramic dispenser is hand soap. Maybe it is overkill for me to use produce soap. But where Pedro grew up (Mexico), disinfecting produce is always done, and it is a habit we continue. The produce feels cleaner after being washed using the produce soap. Anway, how do you wash your produce? Any comments are welcome (actually they are always welcome)!

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