Sunday, March 25, 2007

Boston Cream Pie with Strawberries

Growing up, my mother often made me vanilla birthday cakes with pudding in the middle and chocolate frosting, like a Boston Cream Pie. After I got married, Pedro made me my first birthday cake from scratch using this recipe in the April 1993 issue of Gourmet Magazine.

We were both craving cake today, and even though it is nobody's birthday, we decided to go ahead and make it! We made the frosting thicker than the traditional glaze to make it more similar to the cakes I ate growing up. Also, we had some strawberries on hand, so we decided to put them in the middle with the vanilla custard. It was a delicious twist, having the chocolate, vanilla and strawberry flavors all together.
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  1. What, no bananas in the pudding? Actually, I might try strawberries, next time, too . . .

  2. That's true! Mom usually put bananas in the middle along with the pudding. I would have put them in this time, but I had used all of our bananas on banana bread! At least it gave me to opportunity to try strawberries, as it turned out great.
